Wednesday 22 March 2017

5 Overlooked Habits on Hygiene

Good personal hygiene is deter to disease and give way to long life and healthy living, in a bid to ensure good health personal hygiene is important. Hygiene has been come monotonous word literally which sound so close yet we are very far from it in one way or the other.
Hygiene begins from our body, office space, what we eat ,everything that as to do with our personal life.
Photo Credit : Google

Here are some five routines that are important but we over look or take with levity that has direct impact on our hygiene and overall health:
1.        Wash your Mouth:  Hummm! What I mean by ' wash your mouth' is not that every day routine that you wake up wash, rinse with mouth wash case closed. Special attention need to be devoted to your  mouth not religiously for washing sake because it has adverse effect on your health if not wash properly Morning and Night. Visit your dentist on proper wash guide if need be.
2.       Floss day: Before or after brushing. It is a great deal to floss your teeth to remove all food/ snack residue in between the  teeth. It gives you fresh breath, and not closer to gum disease.  
3.       Brush your tongue: It may sound so weird but the honest truth is; most people with mouth odour is as a result of not wash their tongue regularly.
4.       Wash your hand regularly: okay! You think is your child that should be reminded to do this always:  According to UNICEF, hand washing with soap before eating and after using the toilet into an ingrained habit can save more lives than any single vaccine or medical intervention, cutting deaths from diarrhea by almost half and deaths from acute respiratory infections by one-quarter.   Five moment ‘not to forget moments to wash your hands’  after defecation, after cleaning a child's bottom, before feeding a child, before eating and before preparing food or handling raw meat, fish, or poultry.
5.       Bed Spread or Sheet should be change at last once a week:  and change your pillow case as often as you can. It reduces acne. You feel more refreshed.
 All these above are often more neglected or not taking as important as it ought to be.
Try all these for space of two weeks and come back with feedbacks…..