Wednesday 6 April 2016


Ladies to maintain a healthy vag*na, you must know what to do to avoid infection and it is equally important to educate your sexual partner on some of them to also help you help the vag*na.

Here are some few things you can do or avoid:
1. Fingering
During foreplay or romance, as part of it some people insert their finger or fingers into the vag*na. The question is, “how many people wash their hands before s*xual intercourse?” Some people do not even keep their nails clean so it gathers a lot of germs and during the fingering, these germs are deposited in the vagina…leading to infection. Same thing apply to masturbation.
2. Anal s*x:
It is dangerous to have anal s*x and continue having vag*nal s*x. If this is done, the p*nis will pick bacteria from the anus and deliver them to the vag*na even if you are using a condom….which will lead to infection.
3. Quest to make the vag*na tight
Some guys complain bitterly about the vag*na of their s*xual partners. They complain that it’s too big and they no more feel any sensation during intercourse. Some ladies are therefore pushed to find a quick solution and in the process some use herbs or other substances in the vag*na with the hope of
making the vagina tight. Some of the substances cause infection.
4. Douching
Some people are used to bathing by adding dettol or other detergents to the water and they put this solution inside the vag*na with the help of sponge or towel or just the hand with soap to clean the vag*na. This is soooo WRONG as it will change the normal flora in the vagina, leading to infection.
5. Use of toilet
Don’t let your pant be at the thigh level when using the water system especially the public ones as the inner of the pant may rub the surface of the WC. Where the water is not running and people have used but have not flushed and you don’t have any choice but to also use it, use enough toilet roll to cover before
using the WC to avoid any splashes on the vulva


Thursday 17 March 2016

Trump presidency rated among top 10 global risks: EIU

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Dallas, Texas

Donald Trump winning the US presidency is considered one of the top 10 risks facing the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit.
The research firm warns he could disrupt the global economy and heighten political and security risks in the US.
However, it does not expect Mr Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton who it sees as "his most likely Democratic contender".
He is rated as riskier than Britain leaving the European Union or an armed clash in the South China Sea.
China encountering a "hard landing" or sharp economic slowdown and Russia's interventions in Ukraine and Syria preceding a new "cold war" are among the events seen as more dangerous.
"Thus far Mr Trump has given very few details of his policies - and these tend to be prone to constant revision," the EIU said in its global risk assessment, which looks at impact and probabilityThe EIU ranking uses a scale of one to 25, with Mr Trump garnering a rating of 12, the same level of risk as "the rising threat of jihadi terrorism destabilising the global economy".


Tuesday 15 March 2016

I Love Crochet Braids!- Easy bail out

crochet braids 1

Now this is something I am super excited about because as much as I love braids, I am not patient enough to sit through the process of making it or taking it out either; hence I had not braided in 11 years until yesterday when I discovered the crochet braids secret. I’ll tell you about the crochet braids.

It is called crochet braid because the tool used in fixing it on is a crochet pin; yes the same one used for knitting. The difference between the crochet braid and regular braids is that the attachment comes braided already so all that needs to be done if hook it to your hair with a crochet pin. There are other styles of the crochet weaves but I will be focusing on the braided ones. I’ll share a video I found on YouTube that shows exactly how to make it.

How to get the Crochet attachment?

There are several brands and styles of the crochet braids including the popular KrochetKulture by on-air personality Stephanie Coker. There are other more affordable ones. Just visit a popular hair dealer that stocks a wide range of weaves and attachments and ask for the Crochet braids.

Why I love Crochet braids?

It does not take time to make! I sat for less than an hour when I made mine

Unlike regular braids, it allows a lot of space between your scalp so it does not get itchy

It is already made and super neat so the last thing on your mind is if the stylist knows how to braid properly or not.

Taking it out is also as easy! What’s not to like? It feels like eating my cake and having it.
photo credit: Stephanie Coker via Instagram
Source- womanNG

Thursday 10 March 2016

Meet The Australian Man Who’s Blood Has Spared The Lives Of Two Million Babies


On the surface, James Harrison is just an average guy. He loves his daughter and grandchildren, collects stamps, and goes for walks near his home on Australia’s central coast. But it’s what’s under the surface that makes him extraordinary — specifically, what’s flowing in his veins.

Known as “The Man with the Golden Arm,” nearly every week for the past 60 years he has donated blood plasma from his right arm. The reasons can be traced back to a serious medical procedure he underwent as a child.

“In 1951, I had a chest operation where they removed a lung — and I was 14,” recalls Harrison, who is now aged 78.

“When I came out of the operation, or a couple days after, my father was explaining what had happened. He said I had (received) 13 units (liters) of blood and my life had been saved by unknown people. He was a donor himself, so I said when I’m old enough, I’ll become a blood donor.”

A deadly problem

Soon after Harrison became a donor, doctors called him in. His blood, they said, could be the answer to a deadly problem.

“In Australia, up until about 1967, there were literally thousands of babies dying each year, doctors didn’t know why, and it was awful,” explains Jemma Falkenmire, of the Australian Red Cross Blood Service. “Women were having numerous miscarriages and babies were being born with brain damage.”

It was the result of rhesus disease — a condition where a pregnant woman’s blood actually starts attacking her unborn baby’s blood cells. In the worst cases it can result in brain damage, or death, for the babies.

Rhesus disease happens when a pregnant woman has rhesus-negative blood (RhD negative) and the baby in her womb has rhesus-positive blood (RhD positive), inherited from its father. If the mother has been sensitized to rhesus-positive blood, usually during a previous pregnancy with an rhesus-positive baby, she may produce antibodies that destroy the baby’s “foreign” blood cells.

Harrison was discovered to have an unusual antibody in his blood and in the 1960s he worked with doctors to use the antibodies to develop an injection called Anti-D. It prevents women with rhesus-negative blood from developing RhD antibodies during pregnancy.

“Australia was one of the first countries to discover a blood donor with this antibody, so it was quite revolutionary at the time,” says Falkenmire.

Precious gift

Harrison’s blood is precious. He and Anti-D are credited with saving the lives of more than 2 million babies, according to the Australian Red Cross blood service: That’s 2 million lives saved by one man’s blood.

“Every bag of blood is precious, but James’ blood is particularly extraordinary,” says Falkenmire. “His blood is actually used to make a life-saving medication, given to moms whose blood is at risk of attacking their unborn babies. Every batch of Anti-D that has ever been made in Australia has come from James’ blood.

“And more than 17% of women in Australia are at risk, so James has helped save a lot of lives.”

One of those lives is that of baby Samuel, who is just five weeks old. His mother, Kristy Pastor, first received the Anti-D injection during her second pregnancy. With Harrison’s antibodies in her blood, little Samuel is her fourth happy and healthy baby.

“They just said you needed the vaccine,” she said. “I didn’t think about it any further, and then looking into it a bit more, I found out about James and how amazing he is and how many donations he’s made, and that it was all because of him.

“I’m grateful and I think James is really selfless to continue to donate, so that we can keep having this vaccine.”

Doctors still aren’t exactly sure why Harrison has this rare blood type but they think it might be from the transfusions he received when he was 14, after his lung surgery. He’s one of no more than 50 people in Australia known to have the antibodies, according the Australian Red Cross blood service.

“I think James is irreplaceable for us,” says Falkenmire.

“I don’t think anyone will be able to do what he’s done, but certainly we do need people to step into his shoes,” she adds. “He will have to retire in the next couple years, and I guess for us the hope is there will be people who will donate, who will also … have this antibody and become life savers in the same way he has, and all we can do is hope there will be people out there generous enough to do it, and selflessly in the way he’s done.”

Harrison is considered a national hero, and has won numerous awards. He’s now donated his plasma more than 1,000 times, but no matter how many times he’s given blood there’s one thing that will never change: “Never once have I watched the needle go in my arm,” he says.

“I look at the ceiling or the nurses, maybe talk to them a bit, but never once have I watched the needle go in my arm. I can’t stand the sight of blood, and I can’t stand pain.”


FG appoints Dakuku Peterside as DG NIMASA

Federal Government has appointed Dakuku Peterside as the Director-General of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency. The appointment takes effect from today, March 10, a statement said. Peterside was the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress in the April 11 governorship election in Rivers State and a close ally of the Minister of Transport, Chief Rotimi Amaechi. He holds doctorate Degree in Management Science from the University of Port Harcourt, a Master of Business Administration, and a Bachelor degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences from the Rivers State University of Science and Technology. He was a member of the House of Representatives from 2011 to 2015 and served as the Chairman House Committee on Petroleum Resources, downstream.


Wednesday 9 March 2016

Vietnamese woman gives birth to twins with different fathers after having sex with two men about the same period

Remarkable: Tests ruled out the possibility of a hospital mix-up shortly after the twins' births (file picture)
A woman has given birth to twins with different fathers after having sex with two men in the same ovulation period, it is reported.

The mother and her husband recently took their two-year-old children for DNA tests because of 'striking' differences in their appearances.

The Vietnamese couple were shocked to hear that only one of their twins was biologically related to the father, according to local reports.

However, both were the offspring of the mother - with tests ruling out the possibility of a hospital mix-up shortly after their births.

Le Dinh Luong, president of the Genetic Association of Vietnam, told AFP that the findings were extremely rare.


Tuesday 8 March 2016

Yogurt cuts high blood pressure risk – Study

Women, who eat five or more servings of yogurt a week are less likely to develop high blood pressure, research has found. This was disclosed in the research presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology/ Lifestyle 2016 Scientific Sessions.

The study – the largest of its kind, involving data from hundreds of thousands of people, found that the risk of high blood pressure was reduced by a fifth. This was compared to people who ate just one portion of yogurt a month. Yogurt is made by adding a number of types of harmless bacteria to milk, causing it to ferment.

This thickens it and gives it its characteristically tangy flavour. Cow’s milk is the most common type used, but goat’s, ewe’s, sheep or buffalo’s milk are also suitable. The effect of yogurt was most noticeable in women because men eat much less yogurt, the researchers said.

And the benefit of eating yogurt five times a week was even greater in people who also ate lots of fruit, vegetables, nuts and beans. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood.

High blood pressure, sometimes called hypertension, happens when this force is too high. Health care workers check blood pressure readings the same way for children, teens, and adults. The researchers saw a 31 per cent reduction in risk for high blood pressure, compared to those who ate yogurt just once a month. Justin Buendia, a PhD candidate at Boston University School of Medicine, said: “No one food is a magic bullet, but adding yogurt to an otherwise healthy diet seems to help reduce the long-term risk of high blood pressure in women. “I believe this is the largest study of its kind to date to evaluate the specific effects of yogurt on blood pressure.”

Ms Buendia, who presented the study at a conference of the American Heart Association, added: “Our study shows that daily intake of dairy products, particularly yogurt, lowers the risk of developing high blood pressure, which is a key risk factor.

The research was funded by the National Dairy Council in the United States (US). It used data taken from studies of nurses’ health involving more than 240,000 people, mainly women between the ages of 25 and 55, and a second study of 51,000 health professionals, mostly men between 40 and 75.

How yogurt reduces blood pressure was not explained. However, it has previously been suggested the bacteria in yogurt may play a role in helping to lower cholesterol – which can cause the restricted blood vessels that led to higher blood pressure.


Thursday 3 March 2016

Breaking! Davido signs new act to HKN Gang

Davido sign new act. Photo : NET

Davido sign new act. Photo : NET

Nigerian pop star, Davido has unveiled a new act, Mayokun unto his HKN Gang.

Davido, who unveiled the new act at an interactive session with the media moments ago, disclosed that Mayokun, an Afro pop singer is the next best thing in Nigeria.

Mayokun Adewale, who is a graduate of University of Lagos, expressed his excitement over the signing and disclosed that he initially thought it was a scam when Davido sent him a message.

In an exclusive chat with THENETNG, Mayokun disclosed that he met Davido after posting a short performance on Instagram which interested Davido.

‘It is a dream come true and i feel so excited being signed unto the label.

‘I have always hope to get this sought of chance and Davido coming my way is something that is indescribable’.

SOURCE: thenetng

Wednesday 2 March 2016

10 Best Anti-Cancer Foods

According to research, one third of all American cancer deaths might be diet related. What is best to eat then? The answer is to avoid food that stimulates cancer and cleave to healthy food.
Some of the best anti-cancer foods are listed below:
1. Cabbage family
Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage have a component called indole-3 carbinol that helps in combating breast cancer by converting cancer promoting estrogen into some other useful substance. Broccoli also has a chemical called sulforaphane that aids in eliminating free radicals. This prevents colon and rectal cancers. These vegetables can become a tasty ingredient of your salads, sandwiches and soups.
2. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in red color pigment called lycopene that fight against the free radicals in body. These radicals tend to trigger cancerous cell development. Vitamin C present in it prevents cellular damage that also promotes cancer. It mainly reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
3. Red grapes
Red grapes or grape juice are very beneficial to prevent cancer. Grapes contain bioflavinoids that fight against cancer. It also is a source of resveratrol and ellagic acid that inhibits the secretion of enzymes that promotes cell and tumor growth.
4. Green tea
Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants, polyphenols. This slows down the process of cancerous cell division. It is beneficial for reducing the risk of cancer of stomach, colon, rectum, lungs, liver and pancreas.
5. Green vegetables
Leafy green vegetables like lettuce, spinach, kale are rich in fibers, folate and carotenoids. They block the radicals from converting into cancerous cells in tissues.These nutrients prevents cancer of skin, mouth, larynx and pancreas.
6. Seeds and nuts
Flax is rich in lignans that blocks cancerous changes in body. Nuts contain certain antioxidants like quercetin and campferol that suppress the growth of cancers.
7. Soy products
Tofu and soy milk are examples of the soy products. These products contain phytoestrogens that blocks or reduces cancerous changes in body. This highly lowers the risk of prostate and breast cancer. Isoflavones and genistein inhibits the spread of cancerous cell in the body.
8. Avocadoes
Avocadoes fruits are rich in antioxidants called glutathione. They attack free radicals and prevent pre-cancerous cell growth. Research has shown that they are highly useful against viral hepatitis which is a potent cause of liver cancer.
9. Limit alcohol intake
Alcohol use has been linked to increase in the risk of certain cancers like mouth, throat, larynx, rectum, colon, liver and breast cancer in women. Chronic and binge alcohol use can damage the liver, leading to inflammation of liver tissues. This, in turn, may raise the risk of liver cancer. Consumption of even few drinks per week also increases the risk of breast cancer in women, especially when they do not take enough folate in their diet.
10. Drink enough water
Water is the most essential thing. It protects us from cancer too by diluting the cancer causing agents in the bladder.

Source: Nigeriana-News

Another S’African company pulls out of Nigeria

Clover, a South African beverage line responsible for the production of Tropika fruit juice, says it is withdrawing future investments in the Nigerian market. Clover becomes the second South African country in two weeks to toe this line. In its fiscal year end profit/loss posting, the company said the financial crisis in Nigeria is to blame for its withdrawal from the Nigerian market. “The weakened global economy and the impact of low economic growth forecasts and commodity prices has had a significant impact on the risks facing Clover in the rest of Africa,” the financial statement read. “The current financial crisis experienced in Nigeria, which is fuelled by the low oil price, is a further cause of concern, thus the Group has decided to withdraw from future investments in Nigeria.” The company said it would be looking to the rest of South eastern Africa for future investments. “The Group will continue to expand its operations within the Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland region, and will continue to pursue export opportunities in Africa where the currency risks can be mitigated. “The capital previously earmarked for Africa will no longer be spent. It is anticipated that planned selling price increases will absorb anticipated inflationary cost increases in the second half of the year, as not all selling price increases were realised in the first half.” The current foreign exchange policy employed by the Nigerian government has often been identified to be triggering withdrawal of investments from the country. Earlier in the year, South African retail line, Truworths pulled out of the Nigerian market, owing to the economic crisis in the nation. International pundits say the comments of Michael Mark, CEO of Truworths, about the economy show a sign that President Muhammadu Buhari’s attempts to boost local industry are hurting foreign investment. “We were unable to operate the stores properly any longer because we were unable to send merchandise to the stores because there’s regulation preventing that,” Mark had said.

SOURCE: The cable

Monday 29 February 2016

Carrots could slash breast cancer by 60%

Carrots*Handful of almonds daily wards off hunger, replaces empty calories from junk food
CAN eating carrots regularly could slash a woman’s chances of developing certain types of breast cancer by up to 60 per cent? Yes!

According to results of a research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women who ate foods packed with beta-carotene – like carrots and peppers – were between 40 and 60 per cent less likely to develop oestrogen receptor negative breast cancers.

Other fruits and vegetables rich in a pigment called beta-carotene – such as spinach, red peppers and mangoes – have the same effect.

Beta-carotene is a naturally occurring chemical, which gives plant foods their bright colours.

Also, scientists say eating a handful of almonds a day replaces those empty calories, while decreasing a person’s salt intake and increasing their protein.

The findings suggest that incorporating almonds into a person’s diet could improve overall health.

For years, scientists have been advocating its consumption as part of a healthy diet in order to ward off life-threatening conditions like heart disease and cancer.

The latest study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggests the benefits in terms of breast cancer are greater than anyone thought.

A healthy diet rich in plant chemicals has long been thought to have a protective effect.

Scientists carrying out one of the biggest ever studies into the relationship between diet and cancer – the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition – looked at a wide range of plant chemicals to see how they affected cancer risk.

Scientists from all across Europe studied 1,500 women diagnosed with breast tumours and another 1,500 or so who were cancer-free.

They were quizzed on dietary habits and blood tests were carried out to measure levels of beta-carotene, as well as other plant-based substances like vitamin C and lycopene.

The results revealed that women who ate foods packed with beta-carotene – like carrots and peppers – were between 40 and 60 per cent less likely to develop oestrogen receptor negative breast cancers.

These account for nearly one in three of all breast tumours.

But the pigment did not appear to lower a woman’s chances of oestrogen receptor positive tumours – which account for the bulk of breast cancers in the United Kingdom (U.K.).

The benefits from other plant chemicals were also negligible, researchers said.

In a report on their findings researchers said: ‘Our results indicate higher concentrations of carotene are associated with lower breast cancer risk of oestrogen negative tumours.’

Meanwhile, team of researchers from Florida, United States, set out to study the effect that the addition of almonds can have on a person’s diet.

They analyzed data collected from 28 parent-child pairs in North Central Florida. For three weeks, the parent participants ate 1.5 ounces of whole almonds each day.

Similarly, the children ate half an ounce of whole almonds – or the equivalent amount of almond butter – each day.

At the beginning of the study, the scientists measured the participating parents and children’s Healthy Eating Index, which is a measurement of diet quality.

The study found that participants who ate almonds each day scored higher on the Healthy Eating Index, and had lower intakes of salt and savory snacks, in addition to higher intakes of protein.

The scientists believe that the participants were replacing salty and processed snacks with almonds.

They noted that over the past 20 years, per-capita consumption of nuts and seeds decreased in children between the ages of three and six – while consumption of chips, pretzels and other savory snacks increased.

As a result, the scientists were most interested on seeing the impact of adding almonds into young children s’ diets.

Study author Alyssa Burns, a doctoral student in food science and human nutrition, said: “The habits you have when you are younger are carried into adulthood, so if a parent is able to incorporate almonds or different healthy snacks into a child’s diet, it’s more likely that the child will choose those snacks later on in life.”

The researchers also honed in on how easy or difficult it was to incorporate almonds into those children’s’ diet, since it’s an age when food preferences are developed.


Tuesday 23 February 2016

Healthy breakfast! Right way to start a day

From an early age, we have been told that skipping breakfast is not good for our health because it is the most important meal of the day. Not eating breakfast is also linked to an increased risk of heart attack, obesity, among others. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

But, are you eating right to ensure that your day starts off on the right foot? A healthy breakfast can be a combination of good carbs and fiber with some protein.

Below are a few healthy breakfast options:

oatmealOats make an easy, yet balanced breakfast. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium, oats also contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. It has been shown that eating nutrient-rich oatmeal regularly can help lower cholesterol. Try to avoid the flavoured kinds, instead use little honey and milk to sweeten your bowl and top with fruit and nuts for a delicious healthy breakfast.

fruitsWhile fruit is a healthy choice, your plate should include some good carbs, fiber, protein and of course some good fats. You can begin with whole-grain breads and cereals, a glass of milk (skim milk) or low fat yogurt. Also add some protein which you can get it from eggs, lean meats, etc.

Finish your meal with fruit and vegetables, which are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber.


eggsEggs are one of the healthiest options. Rich in proteins and nutrients like vitamin D, eggs can keep you feeling full much longer than cereal or toast. Choline, an important nutrient, found in eggs can help with brain development and memory. In contrary to the belief that eggs make your cholesterol worse, research has shown that saturated fat, not the cholesterol in foods, increases 'bad' blood cholesterol.

Useful tips: Avoid biscuits, processed cheese, bacon, sausage as they contain either a lot of saturated fat or are high in sugar. They can be eaten once in a while, but not on a regular basis.

SOURCE: zeenews

Monday 22 February 2016

At last! Kim Kardashian shares first photo of son, Saint West

Kim Kardashian West shared the first photo of 3-month-old son Saint on Monday morning through her app and website.

Friday 19 February 2016

Davido Covers US Music Magazine "The Fader ''


US based Magazine  "'The Fader'' unveils Nigerian popular artist  Davido,   as the  new face for the cover of  March issue. The New York-based music Magazine Launched in 1999 by Rob Stone and Jon Cohen.  The Fader’s had  featured top-notch artists like Kanye West, Bon Iver, Drake, and The White Stripes.

Davido is the first Nigerian music artist  to be  on this cover of The Fadar  magazine, it is a plus to his career.

Congratulations Omo baba olowo!.

Gbenga Adeyinka Celebrates Wife At 50


 The comedian took to   his social media space to celebrate his amiable  wife at 50, sharing the captured moments together.

He describes her as his prayer warrior. What else can a Good woman be to her Husband

Happy birthday to Mrs Adeyinka.

NNPC/Chevron JV National University Scholarship Awards 2016/2017

Chevron Nigeria Limited, in collaboration with its Joint Venture partner, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), is offering a number of University Scholarship Awards to suitably qualified Nigerian students.

E-applications are invited from full-time SECOND YEAR (200 LEVEL) degree students of the under-listed courses in Nigerian Universities:

1. Accountancy
2. Agricultural Engineering / Agricultural Science
3. Architecture
4. Business Administration / Economics
5. Chemical Engineering
6. Civil Engineering
7. Computer Science/Computer Engineering/System Engineering
8. Electrical / Electronic Engineering
9. Environmental Studies / Surveying
10. Geology / Geophysics
11. Law
12. Mass Communication / Journalism
13. Mechanical / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
14. Human Medicine / Dentistry / Pharmacy
15. Petroleum Engineering

Application is open to full-time SECOND YEAR (200 LEVEL) students admitted during 2014/2015 academic session.

1. Before you start this application, ensure you have clear scanned copies of the following documents;

a) Passport photograph with white background not more than 3 months old (450px by 450px not more than 200kb)
b) School ID card
c) Admission letter
d) Birth certificate
e) O' Level result
f) JAMB Result

2. Ensure the documents are named according to what they represent to avoid mixing up documents during upload.
3. Ensure you attach the appropriate documents when asked to upload.

‡To apply, visit and follow the steps below:

1. Click on "Apply Now" tab.
2. Click on "Register Now" to create an account.
3. Proceed to your email box to activate your account
4. Click on to return to Scholarship site
5. Enter your registered email and password to upload your information.
6. Enter your personal information, National Identification Number (if available), educational information, other information and upload required scanned documents.
7. Ensure the name used in applications matches the names on all documentation in same order. Upload a sworn affidavit or certificate if otherwise.
8. Ensure you view all documents after uploading, to eliminate errors during uploading.
9. When asked to upload photo, upload a pass-port photograph with a white background.
10. Recheck application information to avoid errors
11. Click "Apply Now" to submit information
12. You will receive an email and a sms that confirms your application was successful.
13. Return to, enter your Email and Password to download your profile and proceed to have your Head of Department sign the document.
14. Upload a scanned copy of the signed profile, this would be used for verification.
15. If National Identification Number (NIN) number was not available in step 6, to obtain your National Identification Number (NIN)

i. Visit to register and learn more about the National Identity Number
ii. Click "Create Account" and fill in the required fields
iii. Login with Email and Password to complete the form
iv. After completion, schedule a date for photo and finger print capture
v. Visit any of the 37 capture centres to complete the registration process and obtain your National Identity Number
vi. You can also do your total registration at the NIMC office

16. Return to and update application with National Identification Number (NIN) to ensure completion.
Note: Multiple applications attract a disqualification penalty from the Scholarship board.

In line with our e-scholarship administration system, selected students will be invited for computer-administered qualifying tests in selected examination centers nationwide. Short-listed candidates for the qualifying test will be invited by email and SMS text messages. All applicants are therefore advised to ensure that GSM telephone numbers and personal email addresses are properly entered into the e-forms on the website.

Please note that applicants for the NNPC / CNL JV scholarship are ineligible to apply for any other scholarship program sponsored by Chevron Nigeria Limited, its JV Partners, or any of its affiliates, including the Agbami scholarship program published simultaneously with this NNPC / CNL JV scholarship program.

Application Deadline:
Closing date for receipt of e-applications is strictly 9 March, 2016.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Re: Olajumoke...Clothier Uche Nnaji expresses his mind,writes letter to Nigerian Banks

The man behind Ouch Clothing, Uche Nnaji writes below....

I am still excited and happy that TyBello allowed God use her to turn around the captivity(circumstance ) of Olajumoke, But I am shocked at the sudden awareness by corporate bodies to jump on the band wagon t The man behind Ouch Clothing, Uche Nnaji writes below..
Iam still excited and happy that TyBello allowed God use her to turn around the captivity(circumstance ) of Olajumoke, But I am shocked at the sudden awareness by corporate bodies to jump on the band wagon to bless and celebrate her with all sorts of "Gifts" from Apartments to Endorsements...
As if this act has or will take away all the other MILLIONS of "OLAjumoke's on our streets searching and waiting for their own TYBello. The shocker for me is seeing a Nigerian bank rushing to make Olajumoke a brand ambassador when they would not move an inche to SAVE a dying Nigerian MSME. This action has further shown that most Nigerian Banks seldom grasp their role in growing the economy, Olajumoke is 1 individual, but a business or an idea the Nigerian bank supports /Celebrate can become a new Facebook or Dangote which would create jobs and feed families . but clearly most of these bank won't find a student who invented something and take a gamble of supporting the lad, not to talk of taking risk with established growing businesses all because there is no sensation to it. Dear Nigerian banks when you support Small growing businesses they will create more jobs and get more OLAJUMOKE,s off the streets.

My name is Uche Nnaji and I create JOBs

Credit: Linda

Wednesday 17 February 2016


Tosin Ajibade popularly known as ‘Olorisupergal’ turns a year older today. It’s a double celebration for her as she also marks the 6th anniversary of her website, ‘’.
Tosin Ajibade is the founder of, was listed among the 100 Most Influential Nigerian Women in 2015 by Y-Naija. She’s also one of the coordinators of the “Walk against Rape” project.
Styled by Jane Michael and photographed by Emmanuel Oyeleke with make up by BimpeOnakoya, Ms Ajibade reflects a brand new look of the urban, independent yet deeply cultural force that she represents in today’s digital space. During the past six years, Olorisupergal has expanded her brand, co-producing a digital travel hub, ‘Travel Africa Story’ as well the New Media Conference.She is currently at work on her vlog series, ‘Life of a Lagos Girl’.

From news to fashion, arts and culture and lifestyle, is one of Nigeria’s leading hubs for pop culture and urban lifestyle.

Photographer: Emmanuel Oyeleke
Stylist: Jane Michael
Makeup: BimpeOnakoya
Hair: Bernard Smiles
Producer: Jane Michael
Set: Fahrenheit Loft, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Facebook: Olorisupergal
Instagram: @olorisupergal

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Tuesday 16 February 2016

Chevron to spend N188m in training 40 Delta youths on agriculture

File:Chevron Logo.svg

Chevron Nigeria Limited, CNL, in continuation of its partnership with communities in Delta State in improving quality of life is spending over N188million for training of 40 Deltans in agriculture. This was revealed by ‎Mr. Deji Haastrop, GM, policy, Government and Public Affairs, CNL during the launch of “Youth Agripreneur Project” Thursday at Egbokodo, Delta State. He states that the agricultural training progra‎m is in line with the SMART agenda of the state government. Haastrop stated that Chevron has spent over N16 billion in various development programmes in its eight regional development committees in the past 10years. According to him, “In the last 10years, the GMOU has engendered implementation of a wide range of infrastructural and non infrastructural projects in‎cluding water supplies, rural electrification projects, school, building, cottage hospitals, road and drainage networks etc. 

“In this Agripreneur program therefore, CNL is partnering with the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), the Foundation for Partnership Initiative in the Niger Delta (PIND), the EGCDCF and Itsekiri RDC to implement the pilot program with 40 trainees from the two RDCs. “The objectives of this pilot program, which will ‎gulp over N188million, include empowering youths to embrace agriculture and agribusiness as income generating activity and training them in various agricultural fields.” ‎On his part, Mr. Dafe Sejebor, Group GM, NNPC-NAPIMS said the Agripreneur program is c‎oming at a time the country is passing through challenging economic times due to low crude oil price. Represented by Mrs. Clementina Arubi, Deputy Manager, Community Development, Sejebor admonished trainees to take the training serious in order to reap the full benefits at the end of the program. He revealed that the GMoU process have benefited from hundreds of infrastructural projects that cut across plethora of areas with success and determination to do more. 

“The NNPC/Chevron Joint Venture remains committed to improving the quality of life of our communities and that is why we implement projects/programs through the GMoU that addresses the needs of the people.” Sejebor added. Miss Felicia Timinimi‎, one of the beneficiaries who spoke to Vanguard expressed gratitude to Chevron and the RDC for giving her the privilege of attending the training. She promised on behalf of the trainees to be dedicated and enthusiastic of putting the knowledge into use at the end with a view to achieving it’s objectives.

Source: Vanguard

Monday 15 February 2016

Buhari sacks DGs of NTA, NBC, 4 others

The Federal Government has sacked the heads of the six information parastatals under the Ministry of Information and Culture. The disengagement was announced on Monday, by the Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, during a meeting with the Chief Executives of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN), Voice of Nigeria (VON), News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Nigerian Broadcasting Commission (NBC) and the National Orientation Agency (NOA). A statement was made available to this effect by Segun Adeyemi, SA to Hon Minister of Information and Culture “The Minister directed the disengaged Chief Executives to hand over to the most senior officials in their various establishments. He thanked them for their service to the nation and wished them the best of luck in their future endeavours.” “The affected Chief Executives are the Director-Generals of NTA, Mr. Sola Omole, FRCN (Mr. Ladan Salihu), VON (Mr Sam Worlu), NOA (Mr. Mike Omeri), NBC (Mr. Emeka Mba) and the Managing Director of NAN (Mr. Ima Niboro).”

Source: Vanguard

Still on success story! Olajumoke Orisaguna is the Face of Pay Porte’s 2016 Campaign

Olajumoke Orisaguna

Bread seller turned model Olajumoke Orisaguna it is not a news again but what is a scoop now is she has  been officially signed as the face of online shopping brand Pay Porte’s 2016 campaign.
We can’t wait for the ads to start rolling out!
Present at the official signing was photographer TY Bello, Jumoke’s husband Sunday, Jumoke’s lawyer Yomi Adeseyoju, Thisday journalist and PR Azuka Ogujiuba, Irene Kayoma, Head-Corporate Strategy/Planning and Noble Igwe brand ambassador for Pay Porte.

Source: Bella Naija

Actress Foluke Daramola Salako is a year older today

Actress Foluke Daramola Salako is a year older today see her beautiful pictures  shared by her to celebrate the special day

Friday 12 February 2016

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala's son speaks about Child soldiers in White House

Total E&P Donates $500,000 to IDPs in North-east

The Nigeria National petroleum Corporation (NNPC)/Total E&P Nigeria Joint venture, has donated five hundred thousand US dollars to the Nigerian Red Cross for rehabilitation of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in North-east Nigeria.

A statement issued yesterday by the Deputy General Manager,  Media and Public Affairs of Total E&P, Mr. Charles Organ, said the intervention plan was launched on December 1, 2015 in Gombe State, one of the areas affected by the insurgency.

According to the statement, the Managing Director/ Chief Executive of Total E&P,  Nicolas Terraz, said,  “This initiative which is part our social responsibility is in support of efforts to improve conditions in the camps and help the affected persons return to their livelihood.

Terraz, who was represented by the Executive General Manager (Corporate Social Responsibility & Medical Services), Mr. Vincent Nnadi, said NNPC/Total E&P Nigeria Joint Venture “is deploying some resources to assist in this direction and has chosen the Nigerian Red Cross Society as our partner in implementing this initiative.”

According to him, “The initiative is a 12-month intervention programme designed to achieve: Short term relief through the distribution of food and non-food items to the very vulnerable groups of female-head households, widows, orphans, the infirm and the aged; Support livelihood activities of the able-bodied to accelerate their economic recovery and self-reliance; and boost psychosocial support activities like provision of safe playing and learning spaces for the  children and restoration of family links for families torn apart, among others.

He also said the initiative would broaden the scope and reach of community health activities like immunization, malaria prevention and treatment of ailments; and also provide safe and adequate water supply, environmental sanitation and personal hygiene promotion.
Representatives of NNPC-NAPIMS, the Gombe State Government and the Presidential Initiative for the North East (PINE), witnessed the presentation

The Emir of Gombe, Alhaji Abubakar Shehu Abubakar III, who received a delegation of the company at his palace in Gombe the state capital, commended Totals, initiative in supporting efforts to rehabilitate the IDPs.

Source: Thisday

Buhari Appoints Bashir Ahmad As Personal Assistant On New Media

President Muhammadu Buhari has appointed Bashir Ahmad as his new Personal Assistant on New Media today

Mr. Bashir will oversee President Buhari’s communications and engagement on social media and new media platforms.

Mr. Bashir, who is twenty-four years old, is from Kano State and was the Online Editor for the Hausa version of Leadership Newspaper. Prior to working with Leadership Newspaper he was an online editor and reporter with Rariya Hausa Newspaper and was the Personal Assistant on New Media to Sam Nda-Isiah, the publisher of Leadership Newspaper.

Mr. Bashir also worked with the Buhari Support Organization (BSO).

Source-Sahara reporter

Prof Aina appointed as Caleb varsity’s new VC

A seasoned administrator, Prof. Ayandiji Daniel Aina has been appointed as the third substantive Vice-Chancellor of Caleb University, Lagos, Nigeria. According to a release issued by the Registrar of the University, Mrs. Folake Okor and made available to newsmen, Prof. Aina until his appointment was the Provost, College of Management and Social Sciences, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State.
The Professor of Political Science and Public Communication has formally taken over the Vice-Chancellorship of the university from the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Prof.Olufemi Oludimu, following the expiration of the tenure of the substantive Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ayodeji Olukoju. An embodiment of experience at a top level of university administration, Prof. Aina carved a monumental niche as President/Vice-Chancellor of Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State (2011-2013). 
Earlier, the renowned Political Scientist had impacted positively at Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State as pioneer Head of Department of Political Science (1999-2003) and successively as substantive Dean, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (2003-2006). Prof.Aina pioneering profile soared when he was saddled with the responsibility of building the Postgraduate School from the scratch following his appointment as the first Dean in 2010. 
Thereafter, the university Don was appointed Dean of Bussiness School in the same university(2013-2015). Prof. Aina appreciable impact is not limited to Babcock University, as a matter of fact, he extended the tentacles of his midas touch to Osun State University, Ede, Osun State as foundation Head of Department of Political Science and International Relations in 2009. Two years later, the revered Scholar took a quantum leap with his appointment as President/Vice-Chancellor, Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State ( 2011-2013 ). 
As God would have it, history has repeated itself by beckoning and smiling afresh on Prof. Aina with his appointment as the third substantive Vice-Chancellor of Caleb University, Lagos, Nigeria. However, Prof.Aina landmark achievements is not limited to academic community, he had earlier cut his teeth as a senior Journalist for ten years in the old Daily Times of Nigeria Plc where he rose steadily to the post of Assistant Director (1989-1999)


Monday 8 February 2016

Jumoke The ‘Agege Bread Seller’ Lands Her First Magazine Cover, Modelling Contract & Top Internship….. Read The FULL Grass To Grace Story

jumoke crown
Her name is OLAJUMOKE ORISAGUNA, and today she covers the This Day Style magazine. TY Bello also shared Jumoke’s story on her Instagram.
Read her story as shared by TY Bello on instagram and see pictures below:
Olajumoke a bread hawker from the Sabo market bakery, walked entirely by coincidence unto our set of our Thisday style shoot for @tiniegram The moment didn’t look special at all. If anything she stood there a little confused .. Some people asking her to leave the set and others asking her to stay . I signaled if it was OK to take her photograph and she agreed and I pressed on my shutter so she could move ahead . My main subject of interest was the Okada driver that had slowed down just before she arrived.  Okada riders have that cool Lagos vibe and always happen to add a bit of swag to street portraits.
I was wrong to have paid her such little attention. Every frame with her in it was perfect .. I had found a second subject in the Tinnie’s story .. A young beautiful hawker who could have served as a love interest of some sort. Digitally I made the red in her dress match @tiniegram sleeves to create a connection between them .
When the magazine came out last week and the images hit social media , I was proven right this girl split the limelight with the main subject effortlessly… questions and comments started to fly: Was she a model? How did we convince the model to balance all that bread on her head . The buzz about her multiplied when I clarified that she indeed wasn’t a model at all but simply stumbled on our set. I immediately begone my search for her. If so many felt she was beautiful enough to be a model.. Then maybe she was mean to be one. I was going to find a way to make it happen. I had assistants leave word with people in the area we shot her and to my delight the very next day, she showed up at my studio.
“Aso kan na ni mo wo kiri Lana…” Jumoke the ‘model’ the Internet had been searching for speaks almost no English. She explained how she had worn the exact outfit in our photograph the day before and someone showed her her own photograph on his phone from face book. A mallam led her to my studio that morning.
She narrated her journey to Lagos… A hair stylist from Ire in Osun state but not making enough profit between she and her husband, a sliding door installer in from same village, to care for their two young children.
At the invitation of a distant relative who knew someone operating a bakery, she relocated Lagos with her 14 month old daughter to give bread hawking a try, leaving her husband and older 5 year old behind .
As I listened to her, I wandered if the beauty I had seen on my screen as I edited my image was a fluke… well, until she smiled… I realized that I was wrong… I had in fact underestimated the beauty of this 27 year old woman. As always, it was her eyes and of course her perfectly chiseled features that jumped out at you when she chuckled. This lady belonged in front of my camera. After a conversation with her husband telling him the story of our meeting, I decided I was going to photograph her that very afternoon… Within an hour, Bimpe Onakoya, one of Nigeria’s leading makeup artist and Zubby one of my favourite hairstylist were at my studio to work magic. They had both followed the story online and were more than happy to put in their very best for her.
Olajumoke, with curly extensions out ,revealed a short natural Afro that beautifully hugged her face @Bimpeonakoya also had decided to keep the make up minimal… She stepped in front of my camera and I almost couldn’t recognize her. She moved different too. Jumoke looked straight into my lens emoting like she had done this all her life…. I knew we had found a star.”
During the course of the day, @emaedosio who was making a short documentary about the process had asked her what she really wanted to do .
‘Ka ma kiri Buredi ko suwon ‘ she explained that bread hawking wasn’t the most profitable business but put enough food on her table . It also put a roof over a head .. Howbeit a roof she shared with scores of other hawkers .
She was a trained hairdresser back in Osun state but her family could not afford the necessarily ‘freedom ‘ ceremony ; a passing out ritual that gives a trainee a sometimes unwritten permission to start a full fledged salon .
We all decided that the make over would be incomplete if it ended at the studio . Every one started to reach out to their contacts and through Bimpe we were able to get her a meeting with Ugo the pioneer of Make-me salon .
As a result of the buzz she generated from the Thisday cover Our model is now close to starting an internship at @makemesalon and has been offered a additional internship with @sarisignature a famous Lebanese owned salon on the island island .
To pay Jumoke her model fee from her first job in front of the camera we called @_ujumarshall one of Nigeria’s And matched her fees .She’s been offered a modelling contract with the help of @godsonukaegbu from a @fewmodels .She’s also had @payporte reach out to her to be model on their next billboard campaign .
This is clearly only the beginning of another chapter in Jumoke’s story . Though it seems accidental it s clearly Devine .
Just this morning ,mentor of mine offered to foot the bill for her accommodation ,education as well as her child’s .. This finally makes it possible to be finally reunited with her husband and older child .
I’ve asked my self over and again why all of this is happening . One thing is clear .. This woman here is no charity case .. We met her in the middle of her hustle … The woman works hard.. Seven days a week .. With a family to support .. But with dignity ..who pays that much attention to how she looks as she’s about to hawk bread … ?Arranging the bread so delicately like it was worth much more .. Making sure she left the bakery while it was steamy and hot … Every body likes their bread hot . .. All of this even when it’s clear that her profit in a day is between N300-500 .
This is the story of so many Nigerians .. The young house selling gala in traffic… The woman braiding hair under the bridge .. Nigerians work hard and we go it with style …
This has taught us and I hope everyone reading to pay a little attention ., to those clearly working hard around us .. You may have your own wahala to deal with .. But nothing gives you a bigger break from your troubles than just making life easier for someone else .. Give an orange seller a N1000 note and she may be able to take the next day off to attend to herself and her children .
Jumoke is sorted … I personally believe so with all the doors opening up for her but This story is more about the ‘jumokes’around you . Who put in all the work but just need a little push .You may not be able to help every one but as I learnt from someone I really respect … In your own unique way …. Do for the ONE what you would have liked to do for ALL.
Jumoke ooo.. Wants to be a hairstylists but secretly nurses a fantasy to act in a Yoruba film one day .. I know she’ll be a nollywood hit .. She did great in front of my camera and understood how to work the tiniest emotional nuances .She may not speak much English but can read and write in Yoruba

Thursday 4 February 2016

5 Quick Things To Know About The Lagos City Marathon

This coming weekend will be one of fun, excitement and a benign exhibition of the tourism potentials of a state which is on its way to becoming a mega city. It’s not a surprise because Lagos has always been the pacesetter when it comes to novel events, remember the Lagos Countdown? And of course, it’s the economic heartbeat of Nigeria. Many will go as far as saying ‘No Lagos, no Nigeria’.

Drums roll…welcome, the Lagos City Marathon which derbies on February 6th. A marathon hinged on bringing local and international athletes together to experience the hospitality, nerve racking hustle, entertainment, art, sport and the swashbuckling side of a burgeoning city. If you are participating in the marathon, here are some quick things you need to know. Get your trainers on Saturday and join over 40 international runners in the first Lagos City Marathon.

The route
This is perhaps the most important information that all participants should have at their finger tip. The start point (7:30am) is The National Stadium Surulere while the finish point is Eko Atlantic. In between, the runners will go through popular stops like Ojuelegba, Anthony, Maryland, Ojota, Ogudu, Third Mainland Bridge, and Federal Palace Hotel among other places. The distance to be covered is 42.195 kilometres which is less than three hours.

 Image result for route to avoid for Lagos city marathon
Running numbers
To be eligible for the race, you must collect your running number. You can collect it at the Teslim Balogun stadium which is a stone throw from the National Stadium. Don’t forget you need a means of identity and confirmation received via email to receive your running kits. The numbers can be collected between the hours of 10 am and 6 pm.

Registration closes on 4th February
For Nigerians that like to do things at the eleventh hour, they still have ample opportunity to register to run in the marathon. Go online and register. Registration is very simple. Put your money where your mouth is. No bragging!

$50,000.00 up for grabs
Converting 50,000 dollars to the black market rate of the naira will give you a staggering amount. But if this is not enough to motivate to participate, what about the sound of 1 million naira for the 1st male and female Nigerian to cross the finish line? It’s not about winning but participating. Notwithstanding, money has always been an excellent motivating factor in any engagement.

50,000 Marathoners are expected
Imagine the huge logistics that will go into organising the Lagos City Marathon in a city like Lagos. So, you have to forgive any hitches. On the part of the government, maximum security, refreshments, ambulance services and entertainment are guaranteed. For runners, it’s advisable to leave your car and other valuables at home, arrive early and follow instructions. You are assured of a pleasant time at the marathon!
